Saturday 21 July 2012

it's ramadhan!

assalamualaikum everyone :)
ramadhan is coming, so what are your preparation?
dates, new qoran, new telekung, tasbih?
great, atleast you have some preparation to deal with :)
well well, the most important thing is, NIAT
niat puasa for sure you kena buat, tp,
niat here means, you yourself punya niat
like, puasa penuh, na derma seringgit sehari mungkin?
well, me too have my own niat,
1st-khatam quran atleast once!
2nd-never miss tarawikh
3rd- this might sound ridiculous but, I feel like want to sedekah some food at uwais for break-fast, but how?erm, we'll think bout that later ;)
4th- minimize the usage of mouth, less speak more action :) heheh,,
so, happy ramadhan !