Wednesday 28 August 2013

lappy xde jarang hapdate :(

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

today is 28th august 2013 :) two days after my birthday :D
alhamdullilah, Allah gave me a chance to still alive and breath in this world :) what a bless :D
ehem ehem, actually, I didnt bring my baby lappy :( and that's why I dont really do some updates recently, huhu..

ahh, there's alot to update actually!tapi,,ni pinjam lappy kawan, tak kan na buat ghete pulak kann, hehe ;P

Saturday 10 August 2013

the one less travelled by

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

and I took the one less travelled by.

ah, I just love this quote from 'the road not taken'
the poem really reflect me. what I'm currently going through.
above all, I hope that Allah always be by my side :')

yesterday, when visiting maklong, *though I dont really like them, sebab they who influence my parent to force me doing diploma. ah cerita lama usah dikenang. okay, lets continue, maklong dengan riaknya said, yana will further her degree in march since she will finish her dip this oct. and I was like -_________- speechless. selamat mak ada back up. mak said, my lect advice me to do professional after diploma, since my result is quite good. tapi paklong cakap, rugi la kalau professional terus, degree xde. nak je hati kecil ni cakap "dah memang banyak rugi pun sekarang" urghh, that's why Im telling you, maybe this is my path, my journey. I took the one less travelled by.
itu soal belajar. ini soal masa depan pulak.

I just dont know why, whenever I'm at home, I couldnt act as if I'm a teenager. I mean, I'm acting like a kid! tak matang langsung. I called my sister by nicknames, teasing them, take things not seriously, tak dapat makan, buat muka, tadi kereta abah tak dapat start, and I was the first who said, "kaklong na naik tritton cik nuar, diri kat belakang!" out of a sudden! everyone was like busy looking at our car, yet me? patutnya I pergi lah tengok2 bonet kereta tu, bajet2 makenik ke kann? ya Allah, you will have no idea if you ever seen me when I'm with my family. mesti akan terlintas dalam fikiran, "kesian budak ni terencat -.-" with my baby-face looking, my size, my height, the way I talk infront of my family. orang akan cakap I anak last -.-"

owh yes, during my first raya, balek kampung! yeay! okay takk, at rumah tok acu, there is one lady sedara mara mak juga lahh, have mistakenly thought syada is the kaklong, sara is kakngah and me?is the youngest one! darjah enam pulak dia guess tu! haa, to think of it, ini tidak bagus!dulu yes, bagus, because I can still collect duit raya from them. tapi makin tua ni, takut mak mertua tersilap meminang nanti acano?!cakap na meminang kaklong which they thought syada tu kaklong! kang dapat hadiah langkah bendul den kang! or, jalan2 raya, sedara mara spot syada dulu na di jodoh kan dengan anak memasing. owh cik ct pemikiran kau terlalu di luar kemampuan manusia normal berfikir -.-" haa! tapi betul kan cerita drama selalu macam nie?!

okay dah penat mengarut. till then :)

Thursday 8 August 2013

malam raya punya cerita

bismillahirahmanirahim and asslaamualaikum everyone!

hello hey hi!
haa, na ceritaa!
I just called abang tadi :')
kat sana still on fasting, but, probably dah berbuka lah now,
he just went back from grocery, buying some stuff to cook rendang.
"kau buat apa tu?"
"den baru balek kedai ni, beli barang2 na buat rendang"
"haa?pandai ke kau masak?"
"haa, boleh la sikit2"
"kau lepak malaysian hall lah esok?"
"takk ah, den keja esok, kat sini xdenya na cuti2 mcm kat malaysia tu"
"woah!tripple la kau dpt nie?"
"tak ahh, den buat voluntary work je nie huh,"
"owhh, btw, kuih kegemaran kau ada nie huh, umi siap masak nasi beriyani nasi tomato sbagai nie"
"eleh kau x den heran nye der, kat sini pun rasa jugak sambutan raya nya"

*okay to be truth, den yang jeles kat kau tahu! I wish I were in his shoe :'( tak pe cik ct. raya kali nie last kau ada kat malaysiaa, next year is my turnn!

then then, we went to ulu kelang, searching for lemang, and ketupat, and lontong.
since mak dont like the boiled nasi impit sebab, it is wrapped with plastics, so we prefered to buy lontong. yes, beli yea, xde masanya na mengayam bagai. #bajet keyy ell :P

and other mory is,
saya rindu abang !
eh tak, bukan bukan,
other mory is,
I'm happy!smile me smile me :)))
I got a text message from him :D haa, you make my heart melt!
thanx though :') thanx sangatt, cheering me in your own way. I know you're sweet! ahh :P
cant stop smiling lah pulakk! hahah~

okay, tukar cerita laen before me getting insane!

haa! my wish for this raya is, dear mr stomach, please enlarge now, I have to make preparation for tommorrow, all the good food are waiting for me, I just cant simply ignore them laying on the table tastefully. tadi after berbuka, makan sikit pun dah kenyang macam makan 10 ekor kerbau!cemana esok? or maybe I can skip herbalife for one day like pleaseeee :') but nayy!people are starring at mom mcm dah kurus sngt je gayanya! this is not aci! I starts consuming herbalife dulu hokeyh!hurmm,
or maybe I can get external stomach for tomoro? harharhar~

and, guess what, I'm currently mentoring abang cooking rendang!huhu :'( and so much other gossip.
abang told me that he's doing some charity work, nursing kids kat sana. age between 2-6 cmtu, and those kids sangat manja dengan dia! ahh, pentipu! he's not that mercy towards kids, WORLD HAS COME TO AN END lah jawabnya~hahahah,,
andd, much more other gossip kat facebook :(including his wish to mengumpat esok. sebab, it's our routine on every first syawal to lepak together, catch up cerita masing2 as well as mengumpat! tapi, no more this time punya raya :'(
den datang sheffield lah cmtu? harharhar #lawak hambar~

till then :')