Monday 18 November 2013

istiadat konvokesyen uitm pahang

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :')

allahu!today is a bigg day for uitm pahang!
istiadat konvokesyen ke-79
jawatankuasa fotografi!cewahh :P
it was totally a hectic day though..
the first sidang was for faculty of accountancy and I, without wasting any opportunity to meet the long lost seniorita! taking couple of shot with kak zatul, kak nina, kak ayu and kak ohara ANC!Allahu!I cant hold the tears. sebak. I wish my parent can see me wearing that selempang :')

having chat with kak ohara about ACCA, she gave me some advice, the do's and dont's, tips. Allah! , how I wish I can be that strong! she said, despite from all the family problem with health, she herself pun, but still, she knows what she wants and strive for it.

"dont compete with someone who is better than you, but compete with yourself. you'll feel less presure"

okayy sis!noted!do pray for my success too :')
hurmm, I couldnt transfer the pictures taken using my phone since I dont have the usb cable.
promise to upload it soon :')

haa!lagi satu!
the way the convocation held was sebijik like my majlis graduasi when I was in MRSM Langkawi :')
air mata bergenang masa perarakan masuk graduan, all the dean and pro chancelor. no kidding! sebab the flow was seriously similar with our majlis graduasi back in maktab :'S andd, lagi sekali tear drops masa they play the "anak kecil main api" punya lagu tu. I just dont know why, every time I hear that song, mesti hati rasa sebak, the lyrics is so deep. you got to understand every line of the lyric. then you'll know how I feel. plus, maybe that song was a must during our rollcall back in mrsm langkawi. we'll sing that song every morning dengan tajwid yang betul tahu! pak said yang ajar :')
arghhh!I miss all those thing in maktab. even masa menaip ni pun mata dah bergenang dah ni :'( if I could turn back time :'( Allahu!

better to stop now, sebelum lappy ni terkena electric shot sebab terkena titisan air mata -.-"

till then :)

Saturday 2 November 2013


bismillahirahmanirahim, assalamualaikum :)

Allah! Allah pinjamkan sedikit kudrat ni, demam dah berapa hari tah :'(
demam rindu, puihhh~
entah angin ber-virus entah dari mana yang masuk merebak dalam badan ini sampai 2 cool-fever pun tak lut -.-" tertelan jugak 2 biji paracetamol. ehh, saya bukan takut makan ubat yea, cuma tak mahu biasakan diri dengan those drugs. abah ajak pergi clinic, tapi i tak mahu, ubat yang sama je doktor tu bg nanti, antibiotic+ubat batuk+selsema+demam. apa tak ada spesis ubat lain dah ke na bagi? saya ni demam rindu ! PUIHH lagi sekali~
baru je nak elok semalam, dapat pulak email yang mengerikan, terus demam balik -.-"
tapi ni, Allah macam bukak jalan ni, Allahu!