Saturday 23 June 2012

a sudden thought

awak sangat comel cakap slang negeri :D
heheh, okay, start mengedik!
but seriously, we can teach our child to speak negeri's
hurmm, you dont know how much I miss you right now :(
cant wait to finish my diploma so that we can further our studies together :D
okay that's all :D
just to tell you that I'm missing you ALOT!

ada hikmahnya :)

hye, assalamualaikum :)
selamat hari jumaat, penghulu segala hari..
erm erm, I feel like sharing my experiance in life
everything you face in life has been stated since you're not born in this world
Allah has create the best path for you to live
dulu, I keep complaining bout my life,
why this why that, why me,
but now, I realise, Allah gives you these and that because he knows that it's the best for you
so, just move with the flow

I can still remember when I was young around 5years old, I started to fast because I can get the reward by getting extra duit raya and joining mak to surau for terawikh(I'm aiming for moreh actualy)
then, when I was 6, I was sent to tadika capital, jalan gurney, keramat
I've been placed in klaz mawar, which having 1 indian teacher yang garang gila.
she taught us english subject. masih segar dalam ingatan she pull my ears sampai merah, just because I cant memorize ABCs smoothly.
amek kau!balek rumah when I tell my mom bout it, kena lagi terok, sebab, malas belajar~
this is how old people teaches their child~
since that, I always do my homework, yes, my mom is a strict person, once she said no, means no,
this is how she discipline me
in between, I pernah kena pukul pakai tali pinggang by pak uda sebab x pandai mengira! pasal sifir if I'm not mistaken, I can still remember his word till now "berkira pandai, mengira tak pandai!"bang! sekali kena libas~
whoaa! memang panas la time tu kann, I was just 6 at that time. since that, I promise to learn maths better, to proof to him that I'm not just suka berkira, but, I'm good in mengira as well! I guess that's my turning point in doing good in maths subject~ thanks uda, for beating me :D
see? all you've been through in life have its own consequences,,

then, after graduated in tadika capital, I went to SK1, I was placed in the last class when I was in year 1, there are 7 classes altogether, sedih :(
are you still remember of the term "pecah kelas"?when your guru kelas is having meeting or cant be at shoool, then, your classmate has to be saperated to join the other class, masa tu, I got to be in 1 murni, the fifth class, haihh, sedih betul, I can still remember this 1 girl mambling alone to her friend,
"hish, tepi2 budak2 bodoh na dok dlm kmpulan kita" yes, budak2 bodoh, kelas belakang sekali! padahal, my parent was late in registering myself to sekolah rendah, that's why pihak pentadbiran is placing me in the last class, sabar jelahh~macam kau pandai sangat!haihh,,budak2 pown dah pandai mengata kann? let us imagine, if budak 7 yearsold pown racist, apatah lagi kita yang tua2 nie -__-"
then, mula belajar bersungguh2, to proof to that budak bajet, that, I'm way better that herself!
I can still remember my class teacher, cikgu Azmi, full of aspiration to place me in the first class since he believe's I'm destined to be in the first class, heheh :P
he keeps debating with other teachers just to get place for me in first class, owh, I miss him alot :'(
then, guru besar said, we'll place her in Akrab first till mid term exam, if she's doing well, then, she can move to Kurnia"(akrab is the 6th class, while kurnia is the 1st)
finally in year 2, I manage to get myself in Kurnia, but the hardest part is, cikgu Azmi pindah :'(
I lose my chance to thank to him for his penat lelah :') seriously, if only I can meet him now, I seriously want to hug him tightly!you're the best teacher I 've ever had! sob sob~
I can still remember cikgu dukung saya sebab saya x sampai na panjat kerusi ntuk amek gambar kelas, then, cikgu cakap, "beratnya awak nie!patah pinggang saya.." heheh, I never ask you to help me :P whatever it is, I love you cikgu!

then, in year 2, start menggatal :P eh eh, this's abang punya kerja okay, sengaja mengada kenen2kan me with this one boy :D which gives the most significant impact in my life till now :')
or, is it abang yang gay? abang likes that boy so he tell that boy as if I like that boy? -___-"
dah lama2 tu, when I stared him all day long at sch,"he's not that bad, pandai abang pilih!"heheh,
then, I started to learn better, I never miss sch everyday, Never! I still come to sch even I had stomach-ache, semangat! sebab that boy pandai, so, to set myself in the same level with him, I must be hardworking, coming to sch everyday, get atleast top10 in batch, so he would look at me~alahai, budak2 lagi masa tu~tapi kan, it's good what! you will be inspired to do the right thing, to be the best and people will recgonise you(lagi2 si dia laa)
we're in the same class till year 4, cause I was little bit lazy, main2, x focus semua, then, in year 5, all my subject become bad :( I was placed in 2nd class,Ehsan, since that, I dont play2(PCK) the vision is getting clear at that moment, I want to be like him! success all the way, I keep inspiring myself by looking at him, how he manage to be the best in everything he did,
then, in year 6, I manage to be in Kurnia's back :)
belajar bagai nak rak, sebab I believes he will definitely get 5As and moving to boarding sch,
so, I set my mind, if I want to be with him, I must get 5As as well, no more play2!
but, when UPSR's result coming out, I only got 4a1b :'( punah segalanya~ moving to SMK Taman Keramat, getting to know new people, making friends, sheky fadzy :)
I just cant remember since when we're getting close, always in three to wherever we go, even to toilet! biasalah, perempuan kann ? :P
we're being labeled as kembar x seiras, sorang hijau, biru and purple pengawas lah masing2 nie :P
then, I making friend with quyyum, cause we're in the same org, PBSM~ owh, banyak lah cerita juga dalam PBSM nie :) senior2 dye,,heheh..
masa ini, banyak main lagi,but, I always remind myself to do the best in every exam especially PMR, cause I really want to go to boarding sch! cause I believe, my prospect in future is better if I go to boarding sch, I applied for mrsm, sbp, teknik, but not sbpi, sebab memang takk la kan, dengan bahasa arabnye nnty,,
then, pmr's result came out, I only got 7As, B for sejarah!see?how I dislike history much? :P sbuject sejarah B?sayang! haihh,,

then, spb intake came out, my name we're not listed :'( memang pasrah gila masa tu, punah segala masa depan yang cerah2, dah terbayang duduk di keramat sahaja, then only I buy all the books, text books and all,, cause I feel that here is my destined(keramat).
selang 2 weeks, the intake for MRSM came out, I got MRSM Langkawi ?
erkk, Langkawi got mrsm? "hey!that's the top mrsm!you should go!", "langkawi?bestnye, choc!" macam2 suara dengar, ada jugak, "huh?kau dapat mrsm?asal aku x dpt?ak 8A kowt!" okay, that's a guy, this's called rezk by Allah my dear :) ada jugak yang cakap, "eleh, she wont go further, just see, she wont go, believe me,," biasalah, manusia kan?
semua kata2 tu made me strong to keep standing in langkawi actually,
susah payah lelah, I keep it myself, tak pernah terlintas langsung na keluar dari mrsm eventhough it's tough at the first place. studying, friends, classmates, hurmm..lesson I've learnt, "if you're passionate in what you're doing, no matter thunder comes in between, you'll keep standing" it's all your mind set actually :)
there so much things to learn in mrsm lgk  :')
to be independent, confident, brave, outspoken, leadership, respect, entreprenuership, friendship, semua lahh! banyak gila kalau na cerita pasal mrsm lgk nie, kena buka hikayat lain :)

I can still remember when I check my name for plkn, I was in! the worst news in my life ever!
I keep crying for 2 weeks, asking why I'm selected, cause as far as I know, all the trainee in plkn are the one who aren't perform well during their sch time, the bad one, x pandai semualah, the one yang bermasalah, the one yang gov sees, has no future in life. I keep asking myself, am I a bad person till gov sent me to pusat pemulihan?yes, I believe plkn is a centre for those teenagers yag bermasalah, sedih gila masa tu! I called my mom from lgk, crying while on the phone, calling my mom just to cry, till my phone brokes, the keypad sunk with tears. masa sembahyang pown menangis! betapa I sees plkn as a horrible place to live in! heheh,
then, when the time has come, I was sent by my family to bangunan zetro, where all the trainee for plkn are need to gether, I cry all the way from home, even in the bus! heheh, abah siap promise me to come sungkai, perak once a week! betapa sadisnya masa itu :'D but, what strenghten me is, he was selected too! so, I'm not the only one who is in trouble, cuma dia di negeri lain. but hey! we'll get the same experiance later :) making friends with non-malay, teuh, sookwan, miya, kavi, saras, choyee, ramailahh! that's my first time making friends with those non-malay since I've been raise in malays area. it's a good exposure actually :) see? ada hikmahnya masuk "pusat pemulihan" kan? :P so much experiance I gain there, kayak, charlie-charlie, tido dalam dorm(since in mrsm we have oni 4 people in a room), got caught while hanging on phone sampai 'terpaksa' buat white-lie saying abah is calling, padahal abe is calling!heheh, betapa jahiliahnya masa tu,, cikgu amin, klas kn, masuk hutan~ banyak!
after 2 months 10days, penyiksaan berakhir :)

waiting for the spm result, dapat matrix penang, which is the best matrix 2 years in a row, but my mom was denying my capability if I choose matrix, so she ask me to go for diploma :'( but hey! eventhough it's diploma, we're still can succeed!

so basically, this is my path, Allah has set this for me, I'm really greatful for having this :)
cuba kalau that indian teacher tu x pull my ear, I might not knowing ABCs
cuba kalau uda x libas pakai his belt, I might not able to count till now
cuba kalau abang x kenen2kan with that boy, perhaps, I'm not becoming who I'm now~full of vision
cuba kalau I keluar mrsm sebab x tahan cabaran, I might get lower result in spm
cuba kalau I x dpt plkn, I'll have sort of culture-shock when entering career world
cuba kalau I pilih matrix, perhaps I'll not get into deanlist, who knows right?

every event that comes to your life has its own good :)
just believe in yourself that you can cope with it :)
I got this at my friends wall post,
the world gives you problem cause onli you can solve it ;) menarik kan?
till then~

Wednesday 20 June 2012

gathering of accounting

Hot breaking gossips for the day!
hey, assalamualaikum :)
today got juniors night at audi 1,
eh, bukan itu na bercerita,
the gossip is, there is my junior who is taking DIA!
okay, the story begin~
I eventually saw him talking with abang PA system to prepare for their performance afterward, just wanna make sure everything's okay,
then, I said to yan, "budak nie familiar gile je muka!"
then, after their performance, they have to introduce themselves,
name, previous school, age and POB
then, it comes to his turn,
"nama:muhammad aiman bla bla bla
previous sch: MRSM LANGKAWI"
ahah!I've knew it! kan betol, veace!
owh my goodness! seriously he's taking DIA?
next, mungkin lah Allah tu na I further ask him whether he's veace and whatsoever,
budak tu seat infront of me, then, apa lagi! sesi merungkai tanda soal pown bemula,
"erm, aiman, veace kann?mrsm?"
"err, ha'ah"
"kenal akak x?okay fine x kenal lahh, elevation?maa, sherry?"
"owh!elle!, sape lagi kat sini?
"ade kaknik, alahai, prs dulu tu, tapi dye sains, knape amek DIA?SPM dapat brape?"
"7A, saja, na buat slow2, relax sikit"
"huh??tau x DIA 3 years?! kerepot la kat sini nnty, npe x buat asasi ke?
"hahah, x pe laa, akak npe x amek CAT ke?
~dey, u think I got the clear vision ke bout accounting? -_______-
"erm, akak mne amek acc dulu, so x tau sangat pasal accounting area nie"
then, next class perform theirs, so, conversation end~
*hey, elevators, we are well-known as elle than elevation hahah comelkan? :D

then, yan x habez2 cakap, hensem nye!ahah, tu baru sorang junior I yan tengok, belum lagi 1 batch!hahahah,,

erm erm, hey! dalam each of the performance malam tadi, I can differentiate which one comes from mrsm and whose not, seriosly, mrsm's student are very outstanding and confident in doing anything!
syabas mrsm!
seriosly, mrsm produce the best quality of graduates :D ~owh, rindu MRSM LANGKAWI :')

another journey

assalamualaikum :)

erm erm, today was a pathetic day for me, I guess :'(

I feel like being left by my own friend :(

it's fine if you want to get close to your new friend, unite with them since we're classmate, but, dont easily tend to forget your old friend whom you have gone thru all the good and bad times together right? habis madu sepah dibuang~

yes, I feel like a trash !


okay, enough of that, be strong cik ct!

erm, just now I had costing class !
ohsem! seriously, I feel like really moving towards my destiny. Becoming a management accountant!

after persuing CIMA, I'll become a professioal accountant which is MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT! haihh, I cant wait for the next class :'D seriously!

then, I really want to change myself in this semester, pray for me guys :)

I started to wear inner and all the muslimah thiggy, and you know what, I feel safe wearing that. I feel that Allah is protecting me alot. I do believe, if you're willing to change, then, you dont need any support from others but you, yourself ! just believe in yourself and you actually can do it :) always always remember, Allah is always with us :) somehow, I feel weird looking at people who aren't wearing tudung or wearing those seksimeksi dress, aren't they afraid of Allah's punishment?

okay, bout studying, I didn't procastinate in doing assignments. not even once! heheh, I hope it's a good start for me(sebab baru bukak semester kan? :s ) 4.00!

then then then, I able to manage myself well :) having coffee for breakfast, supper with hot choc(milo+anlene actually :P ) doing all the assignment, prepare myself before enter the class with some notes in head, bodylotion before sleep, haihh, what a feminine thiggy :P

lagi, erm erm, sbenanye na cakap, dah lama x gosip ngan ion :') hurmm,, I'm deadly busy, sampai na online pown curi2 masa!

owh bout one of my friend's here, she had left Jengka, I mean, UiTM Jengka forever, cause she terminate herself in diploma for SPA. owhplease, dont ask me what is SPA -__- . eh, now I realise, if you feel bad bout yourself, think bout others as well, ape pepatah melayu tu, kalau kita serabut2 cari kasut yg matching dgn baju, think of people who have no legs at all, so, na kata kat sini, there're people who are unfortune than us, be greatful, say alhamdullilah :) thank you Allah :)

Tuesday 12 June 2012

pathetic day !

assalamualaikum everyone :)
hurmm, tak elok mengeluh actually, tapi :'(
today doesnt went smoothly,
btw, my part 1 n 2 books has been sold out to junior,
so I get some money to buy new books in part 3 la kann
praise to Allah, Alhamdullilah :)

today is quite a busy day for my class as we has 4 classes which start from 8am to 6pm
luckily, all the subject is so interesting :D
*costing :) which they said is more to culculation <3
*far ! I really wanna do my best this semester no matter what happen cuz it's related to CIMA, and rugi la kalau u got 3.8++, because your far got B ryte? you're accounting student cik ct!
*mgt :D we do have mgt AGAIN, but I really love this subject :) because, it's bussines! heheh,,
*bel :S I'm quite afraid for this subject act cuz the way ms Jun explained to us was like giving me this kind of impression "whoa! mcm susa je!" cuz you really have to search a valid point with its author bagai! so inilah dia BEL 311 okay guys! be prepared :)
enough bout the subject~
okay, bout mandarin class, banking A has been switch to arab, alahai pnjg la cerita, tp main point is, I cant join the class. fulstop :'( BUT, I'll find the way out!

erm, okay, act I'm quite sad today :'(
okay geram! kau kenapa huh! benci gile kowt kat kauuu! kambing! ayam! lembu! biri2 btol!
astaghfirullah :'(
slamat la I have a concrete reason why I'm staying here ! kalau x, tak tau laa, dear CIMA, oni you making me strong day by day :') or else, x tau laa :')
I'm trying tuk sabar je sekarang nie, jangan sampai kau aku lempang depan2 karang!haihh,,
astaghfirullah astaghfirullah :'(
better to stop here :'( assalamualaikum..

Friday 8 June 2012

A fresh new start :D

okay semangat!
sem 3 is gonna starts really soon
and I have done a lot of preparation
~ food for the upcoming ramadhan
~ baju kurung to attend classes
~ books
and of course money ~

the target is getting clear now!
DEAN LIST! no more play-play
or else dont ever dream for CIMA anymore!
jadikan result sem 2 sbg pengajaran yeah!
you dont have much time cik ct!
jangan main-main dah!

ya Allah kau permudahkan lah segala urusan hambamu yang lemah ini :')

Tuesday 5 June 2012


assalamualaikum semua :)
cant sleep, so that's why I'm here,
esok kerja lagi :'(
I thought it is my holiday, sengaja kakG -_____-
so, the last day will be tommorrow,
then, third sem will be showing up his face :D
I'm so excited to get the most excellent result insyaAllah :)
erm erm, wrap up pasal kerja esok la ehh?
there's so much to tell for your guidance in future ;)

#owh, dah lama x jumpa K >.< heheh :P