Wednesday 20 June 2012

gathering of accounting

Hot breaking gossips for the day!
hey, assalamualaikum :)
today got juniors night at audi 1,
eh, bukan itu na bercerita,
the gossip is, there is my junior who is taking DIA!
okay, the story begin~
I eventually saw him talking with abang PA system to prepare for their performance afterward, just wanna make sure everything's okay,
then, I said to yan, "budak nie familiar gile je muka!"
then, after their performance, they have to introduce themselves,
name, previous school, age and POB
then, it comes to his turn,
"nama:muhammad aiman bla bla bla
previous sch: MRSM LANGKAWI"
ahah!I've knew it! kan betol, veace!
owh my goodness! seriously he's taking DIA?
next, mungkin lah Allah tu na I further ask him whether he's veace and whatsoever,
budak tu seat infront of me, then, apa lagi! sesi merungkai tanda soal pown bemula,
"erm, aiman, veace kann?mrsm?"
"err, ha'ah"
"kenal akak x?okay fine x kenal lahh, elevation?maa, sherry?"
"owh!elle!, sape lagi kat sini?
"ade kaknik, alahai, prs dulu tu, tapi dye sains, knape amek DIA?SPM dapat brape?"
"7A, saja, na buat slow2, relax sikit"
"huh??tau x DIA 3 years?! kerepot la kat sini nnty, npe x buat asasi ke?
"hahah, x pe laa, akak npe x amek CAT ke?
~dey, u think I got the clear vision ke bout accounting? -_______-
"erm, akak mne amek acc dulu, so x tau sangat pasal accounting area nie"
then, next class perform theirs, so, conversation end~
*hey, elevators, we are well-known as elle than elevation hahah comelkan? :D

then, yan x habez2 cakap, hensem nye!ahah, tu baru sorang junior I yan tengok, belum lagi 1 batch!hahahah,,

erm erm, hey! dalam each of the performance malam tadi, I can differentiate which one comes from mrsm and whose not, seriosly, mrsm's student are very outstanding and confident in doing anything!
syabas mrsm!
seriosly, mrsm produce the best quality of graduates :D ~owh, rindu MRSM LANGKAWI :')