Tuesday 12 June 2012

pathetic day !

assalamualaikum everyone :)
hurmm, tak elok mengeluh actually, tapi :'(
today doesnt went smoothly,
btw, my part 1 n 2 books has been sold out to junior,
so I get some money to buy new books in part 3 la kann
praise to Allah, Alhamdullilah :)

today is quite a busy day for my class as we has 4 classes which start from 8am to 6pm
luckily, all the subject is so interesting :D
*costing :) which they said is more to culculation <3
*far ! I really wanna do my best this semester no matter what happen cuz it's related to CIMA, and rugi la kalau u got 3.8++, because your far got B ryte? you're accounting student cik ct!
*mgt :D we do have mgt AGAIN, but I really love this subject :) because, it's bussines! heheh,,
*bel :S I'm quite afraid for this subject act cuz the way ms Jun explained to us was like giving me this kind of impression "whoa! mcm susa je!" cuz you really have to search a valid point with its author bagai! so inilah dia BEL 311 okay guys! be prepared :)
enough bout the subject~
okay, bout mandarin class, banking A has been switch to arab, alahai pnjg la cerita, tp main point is, I cant join the class. fulstop :'( BUT, I'll find the way out!

erm, okay, act I'm quite sad today :'(
okay geram! kau kenapa huh! benci gile kowt kat kauuu! kambing! ayam! lembu! biri2 btol!
astaghfirullah :'(
slamat la I have a concrete reason why I'm staying here ! kalau x, tak tau laa, dear CIMA, oni you making me strong day by day :') or else, x tau laa :')
I'm trying tuk sabar je sekarang nie, jangan sampai kau aku lempang depan2 karang!haihh,,
astaghfirullah astaghfirullah :'(
better to stop here :'( assalamualaikum..