Monday 3 June 2013

operation and izzue islam :(

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

done with le surgery :)
the situation was like this
dr: so how was yr teeth?
me: doesnt show any better
dr: owh, okay, nvm, we'll settle this first then next week we'll arrange another appointment..
me: ermm,
*the doctor pick his scissors and clipper
me: eh KEJAP KEJAP! dr bius dulu KANNN?!
dr: hahah, yea yea, saya bius dlu, dont worry~

haaa!cuak kau!I just close my eyes throughout the operation. dalam hati berulang kali cakap, "cepat la dr nie cakap, okay dah siap!"

after awhile I feel there is something like a thread on my face, cuba bukak mata sedikit, and yes, memang benang!I'm like a piece of fabric where the the doctor is sewing me :(
tapi tak rasaa sakit even a bit!the next appointment is on friday untuk buka balik jahitan, ada empat jahitan kau!na makan pun susa :( asyik terbayang je tengah gigit2, skali tergigit benang tu and tertarik!skali habis robek the whole mouth!whoaa!scary movie kowtt!
okay enough those nightmare :( takk na makan dah sampai jahitan dibuka~ *padahal tadi dah melantak kue tiaw goreng!hahah,,

then, everytime I saw him, my heart was like pumping harder. adakah iniiiii??? -.-" okay berangan! lahai, dia sangat teramat sweeettttttt kowt!!
wuargggggghhhhhhhhh! boleh histeria I tahu!
sekali, look at this >
hahahah!tak na kau post gambar yang ada bini dia!hahah~foinee,,
take a look at this,
haaa, yang ini kecik je!heheh, jeles punya pasal :')

happy married yea abg izzue islam :'( huhu~
*bintak maaf gambar semua google :) hahah,,