Saturday 18 June 2011

its almost a month here..

UiTM Khazanah Alam aka UiTM Pahang..
best jugak la dok sini..hehe..
ary rabu 15 jun ary tu tyme pagi,kabus tebal gile!sampai juz nampak 15 metre kedepan je!
if kat KL,,sure da takot na kua ruma cuz thought that ws jerebu!hehe..
bile fikir balek kann,,naape la hidop Ai nie always sipi2 je na kene actual target..
I mean like,,ye la,,dulu kann blaja kat MRSM Langkawi,,kat pulau..ala2 oversea gitu..
merentas lautan..
if na g langkawi kene naik flight or feri..
oversea kan??hehe..
then,,dpt kat uitm pahang nie..even pedalaman,,tapi, environment dye yg x tercemar langsung..
ye la,,pokok2 banyak 2 absorb those CO2 n other gasses that harmfull to our body..
hurm,,ofcoz la sejuk gile!
ala2 snow season kat oversea gitu!hehe..
hurm,,always sipi2 je kann..
nie la nasib badan!hahah..even upsr and pmr pown sipi2 je na dpt stra8..huhu..
bile la agaknye Ai nakk fly oversea dream country --> United State of America..
dlu plan jugak la na further kat INTEC UiTM after SPM,,tapi,,yela,,result not that good kann..huhu..
cuz kat intec tu mmg bright opportunity la na g US kann..
las las,,Ai cume layak for diploma je..I repeat,DIPLOMA
haih,,dah la,,dont wanna remember bout it anymore..huhu..
yang pasti,I'm really confirm and totally sure,I will try to strive for the victory!!
so DEKAN,,wait for me!hehe..