Wednesday 26 October 2011

erm,I just thinking to add someoe I dont know on facebook.
yeah,to be my diary like,boley bagi feedback when I talk to them..what should I do.
why??the reason is simple,they dont know you,and you dont know them too,so,if you tell them about your stupidos problem,
they will be a good listener and I wont feel ashame the day onward bacause I wont meet them face to face.
maybe I can add someone which outside the country.
erm, when I'm stress,I feel like wanna clubbing :D
 ape na buat,pasang mp3 kuat2 pown jadi lahh..huhu..

*I think from now onward,there will be no title for any post. kalau ada pown,sebab rasa na buat..teehee :)