Thursday 9 May 2013

He always have something :')

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamalaikum :)

alhamdullilah, thank you Allah !
thank you sangat sangat :')

yes, maybe Allah dont grant you something that you really hopes for, but, in return, He gives you something else :)

I dah macam na sujud syukur, and text all the lectures that had contribute all their effort to teach me regardless it's 1.39am!
and, suddenly I stopped, kalau iyaa pun gembira, jangan la na menggangu masa tidur orang kann, hehe,,

ya Allah, okay, nazar is still gonna be nazar,
I promised to Allah to donate any book that I got an A for that subject,
but, suddenly I feel so happy, that I want to simply give all the books to my junior !
ahh, I dont feel sleepy now :')
I'm just too happy,
may this success comes with bless from Allah :')

owh, yes, not to forget, all 'le classmates yang dah bersusah payah mengajar budak yang susah nak diajar ni :')
without those stressness, hard life that making me even tough than before, I truly wont come to this stage,(ahh, macam lah dah secure the most precious victory kann -.-") tapi, thanx sesangat !
to lectures, cikgu, mentor, mantee, study groupmates, classmates, senior, junior, PEERS of course!
but, most of all, thank you to mak and abah for praying the best for me :)
ahh :'( what else should I ask . having all these is just too much for me :')
thank you Allah :')
thank you sangat2 :')