Wednesday 25 January 2012

skipping isn't bajet

yeah yeah yeah, I konw, there's so much spelling error, 
mis use of word and what-so-ever mistake of the title,
here is the right one
"speaking isn't showing off"
yadda yadda :D
some people might think that malay who's speaking in english
is showing off like he or she
is the only person in the world who can speak well.
and this rubbish thought only been conclude by malay's itself
hey! please change your opinion towards 'em
if we keep those kuno's opinion,
sampai bila melayu na maju then?
english is a need !
we cant survive in this such world wihout knowing english kan?
yeah yeah, bahasa syurga pown x khatam, na bajet2 skipping
see ?
how can you improve huh?
look, superb in english doesn't mean that you cannot
recite the Quran or learn 'em in deep..
sambil menyelam makan ikan laa
we do need quran as a preparation in the hereafter..
but, we cant necglet the importance of english
as we still live in world,we're not die yet..
kalau da mati mane boleh blaja quran lagi -.-
haihh, so you can learn both when you're still alive..
islam didn't prohibit you to learn english as well kan?
so, actually there's so much thing that can be argue with,
especially when scientist talk to religous person,
conservative vs native *eh, ade ke?
but, in islam,
we do need both..
english and arabic is a must! indahnya ISLAM ^o^

so, back to our topic :) atas nie is just an introduction :D
okay, what makes me here is,
I had a fight with my friend here
*sort of bertikam lidah because of english
I still believes that speaking english isn't bajet
and she thought of the opposite
we cannot simply speaking in front of nenek2 and atuk2,
unless they understand what you are talking about..
you can suit the environmemt
when, where and to whom you can speak in english..
and, she's saying that I'm showing off when
I write a comment on her facebook status.
okay, is she old enough that cant even understand what I wrote?
hello,I'm talking to University's student okay?
ex-mrsm lagii..
so I dont think that I'm showing off,
because I thought she understand that when university's student speak in english,it's not awkward situation kan?plus, she's ex-mrsm..

haihh, this makes me miss langkawi so much !
I can stil remember when my seniorita said that,
"people outside is jealous of us, they will say that ex-langkawee is bajet, show off bagai, just because we're fluence english.."
hello, dont blame us for that :P
our environment thought us to be like what we are now..
and, she further add up,
"dont make it as an obstacle to keep talking in english, one day they will understand that we're actually preparing ourselves to confront the world :)"
when everybody is encouraging others to speak,
never judge 'em as bajet,
in fact, they correct the mistakes too..
and, I dont feel shy to speak
eventhough I know, my grammar is totaly embarrassing,
and it is proven in my blog writing :)
but, who cares ?
we never know we're wrong until someone comes and correct them up kan?
atleast, I'm brave enough to show the mistake to public,
in sake, if there's anybody spot the mistake,
they can correct me,
othewise, I might use the wrong english over thousands times !

so, to you, youngster, nenek na habaq mai nasihat nie,,
dont ever feel shy to speak !
*kan da skipping omputih, nenek modern cam tu laa ;P
and and and,
here's some tips on how you can start speaks english ,
this is what I do laa, just for sharing ;)

-read the subtitle when u watch cerekarama on TV3, or whatsoever cerita melayu that have english subtitle..
you will gain more new word, and try to read it outlloud with full of emotion and correct intonation. then you will feel the easiness of speaking *but, only do it when you're watching alone, or you might interupt others focus ;D

-watch more english movie. look at their pronounciation, the slang they are using. over sabdu of pronounsing 'R', and my advice is, do watch english UK's movie, because our english are based on UK standardise *even its hard..US slang is more leisure and easy to follow. you can use US slang to speak, but, UK's more polite. *but, I prefer US laa ;)

-starts to write your diary in english, eventhough you have to refer to too, I have dictionary beside me :) yeah yeah yeah, people nowadays dont use diary anymore, they prefer blogging, so, write your blog in english then ;) *tapi kalau da emo tu kelua jugak bhse ibunda ;P

-rojak when speaking. it is adviseable to speak rojak at first, because, people around you might have culture shock when you eventually speaking kan? they might confused as if they live in london pulak *tapi kalau setakat yes no okay alright tu, baik x payah -.-" *eh eh, okay je, but, varie your word as time can't use yes no yes no all the time =.="

-for girls, I'm sure that major of them loves novel, I mean, malay's, choose novel that mix the bahasa, novel cinta pun apa salanya ;) hlovate <3 okay, I dont read novel much, but, hlovate inspire me alot !most of her story's about overseas student, studies, love...and, it encourage me to be like the character in the novel, studying abroad ! InsyaAllah :) *err, I'm not her marketing manager tauu :P tapi, bacalahh :)

-stop listening to those jiwang karat malay's song! like,owh, puhhliss! no use laa -.- I used to learn english by songs too. and, bukan na bajet, tp, I dont have malay's song in my mp. and and, most of my songs,are the old version english song. celine dion, kelly clarkson, akon..because, their pronounciation is easy to follow. sepatah-sepatah.  and the meaning of the song is easy to understand too..and, celine dion is the best laa, cause, her english are not ruin by the intervention of new weird word like, them --> 'em , want to --> wanna, and so much more that I dont even have much time to write them all :) againn, I'm  not dion's marketing manager :P

-lastly, DONT FEEL SHY. muka tebal sikit. biaq pi depa na kata pa. as long as, you are ready to confront the world ;) heheh :D