Sunday 23 September 2012


assalamualaikum everyone :)
just passing by the blog website..
okay daa :)
erk, nope nope, actually I currently stalking somebody on twitter, eheh,
yeah yeah yeah, I dont have any twitter account, so, it is my friend's account,
I've ask his permission okay :P heheh,
a lot of gossip you can find there, hahahahah! *evil laugh
erm erm, I dont really realize since when I start to look at this particular boy but the humble way he brings himself makes me want to know him better. the way we think is similar.
yeah yeah, I do admit it, all this while, I dont even know his name or look at him. yet, since the day when he eventually call my name had melted my heart because he know my name!hahah..what a pathetic girl I am -_-"
and, of course a lot more cute stuff I found from his comment/tweet about his life and friends of course :D

hurmm, what more to mory?
erm erm, I didnt get the JPA scholar, perhaps it is because my dad's salary doesn;t qualify me to get the scholar :'( I misswrote the salary paid which it is not accordance with the payslip, but, still, the battle is still on! stay focus cik ct!

then, about this study week, I',m not going back home, since Sara's camping has been postpone to next week, so, it would be a waste of money for my dad to pick me at jengka when Sara isntt in bentong for her camp. sebab, I was thinking if they want to visit Sara during the camp, why dont they come to jengka as well to pick me up right?but, nvm :) got to get used of it, since, all the overseas student wont be able to come back to malaysia everyweek right? *what a daydream :P

erm erm, the final exam is just around the corner while me still lying on the bed doing nothing. pathetic~
but, no worries!I have planned some timetable to maximize the free time during study week. I like to stalk him on twitter because he always updating about study, sleep with the books hoping that the knowledge will be absorded into his brain. isnt that cute!ahahahahahah! see?the way we think is the same!I used to sleep with the books near me!<-- erk, long time ago, when I was in mrsm -_-" but, I think, I should practise that again :D hahah,, I wont mind a geek guy :P heheh,

then, about my mouth!I dont know what sort of thing stick inside my mouth. it starts to swollen since Ramadhan and not get better till now. due to that, I cant speak well and the pronounciation become like so-mat-salleh-celop. I cant help with that! owh, okay, back to the case, just now I try to break the cell wall of that thing, and, some redbloodcell comes out! then, something jelly-like thing leaks out. seriously disgusting! I have nothing in the locker but a bottle of sea cucumber oil (minyak gamat) to stop the bleeding, and there was a time where I can taste the gamat when I drink some water. yet, nothign to worry :) healin supplement is made up of some gamat oil too right?hahah! trying to confort my heart that nothing will turn bad by consuming a bit gamat :D erm, this is what abah always remind me "jaga mulut kaklong, ingat, jangan celupar sangat, sekarang nie, people can do anything against you," okay abah, lesson learnt :)

okay, enough babbling  :)  good night :)