Friday 3 August 2012


#if you find it hard to read, then, proceed to other gossip, x berbaloi pown baca entry ni, sekadar luahan rasa 13 Ramadhan..thank you :)

assalamualaikum everyone :)
I just came cross this blog to update some unimportant thing if you like to read to
I'm not in a good mood right now :(
okay, first, there are some things that irritates me alot.. I mean like, I still can think positive of any stup thing that hits me sometimes, I tried to think the positive side of it. and, if and only if the shit is too sucks, than, I would rather seek for Allah's help. I never judge people easily. yes. I'm totally changed. stay positive has help me alot in facing any problem. TAPI, for how long? yes, I do admit it, I cant force people to be like what I want them to be, tapii, I just didnt see any bad thing of what I expect from them. everything I said is for their own good, not for me. or, are they dont have the same thinking level as me? Ya Allah, please strenghten my inner so that I could face Your task successfully :'( okay, look, I hate two types of people, 1st: not punctual. perhaps, I been rise in a family yang sangat mementingkan masa. my mom always always remind me, "ingat, dont follow your time, consider others time too" so, I've been thought to really appreciate time. you wont get extra time if u miss any of it. there is no such doremon time machine in this world. I still can negotiate with people yang tak bayar hutang or bilik bersepah. seriously I dont mind. tapi., when it comes to time management, I x sabar lagi dahh. because I wont get back the time I that I wasted for you! even my watch been set to 20 min earlier that the actual time. TWENTY MINUTES paham takk?! I dont like people yang buat kerja macam na mati. siput pown menang kalau lumba dengan orang yang macam ni kowt!I keep on bersabar from express this feeling here cause still, I need to give her chance to change. but, just now, you know what, I breakfast at the center of padang ragbi. heading to uwais by using the shortcut which is crossing padang ragbi!seriously, I feel like crying masa tu! never breakfast in that way. sejahil2 kawan that I ever met pown tahu kewajiban berbuka ikut masa, seriously, I sedih, I feel sympathy for her for not knowing that simple thing in Islam. may Allah have mercy towards them :'( secondly, I hate assumption. never ever assume people to know any info without you yourself tell them. nanti mula lah, "owh, ingat kan kau dah tau" "aku ingat dia dah bagi tahu kat dia" in the end, nobody knew the information kan? and, due to this principle, I always remind my friend of things they have known thousand times. biar lantakla telinga mereka na bernanah dengar the same information pown, I dont care. erm, last attitude that I found in myself is, I can hardly trust people, so, to those my secret holder, you've gain an ultimate trust from me. keep it safely or otherwise, the gossip you know would be the last gossip of mine for you :P