Wednesday 5 December 2012

I just falling in LOVE :')

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

have you ever read or heard a majestic name of Muhammad SAW?
yes, I just falling in love with him :')
He's just superb in everything he did.
politics, economics, social, infact, EVERYTHING!
He's just perfect :')
I wonder if I can be atleast as good as his daughter :')
I paling terkesan bila dengar cerita ada seorang hamba zaman Rasullulah, yang mana pada akhir usia Rasullulah, beliau berkata, barang siapa rasa aku ada berhutang dengannya, maka tuntutlah sekarang" and, out of a sudden, there was a guy stood up and said "ada sekali dahulu tali libasan mu terkena dibahagian belakang ku, dan aku mahu menuntut untuk melibas mu kembali ya Rasullulah" everyone was shocked and tried to stop that man, instead Rasullulah said, let him beat me. and, bila Rasullulah dah buka baju beliau dan bersedia untuk di libas, hamba tu datang dekat and peluk Rasullulah ! he said, "aku tiada cara lain untuk memelukmu ya Rasullulah untuk menunjuk kan betapa aku sayang kepadmu" yes, instead of he beat Rasullulah's back, he hugged Rasullulah, and this driven me crazy! Betapa sehebat2 manusia yang sangat di rindui ummat till now :')
infact, when he's dying, he said, "umatku, umatku, umatku" 3 times! how he's really worried of us :') Hhow he care about us :') how he loves us :') if I have one wish before I die, I truely want to meet him :') just to say how much I miss him :') how much I want to be like him :') though dia dibaling najis or dikeji masyarakat pada zaman itu, he would never give up :') kisah beliau memberi makan kepada seorang buta, and after he died, sahabat meet that blind people to feed him on behalf of Muhammad, tapi, si buta tu still kutuk Rasullulah when sahabat tried to feed him. pastu si buta tu realize, this is not the man that used to feed me, sahabat tu tak tahan sangat sampai menitikkan air mata, he said, orang yang selama ini memyuap mu makan adalah orang yang kamu keji sebentar tadi. tetapi beliau telah wafat :') just imagine, you feed a blind people, and that fella keji you seteruk2nya, tapi you still bertahan and still suap dia makanan. betapa sabarnya Rasullulah kann :') I woner if I can be like him :')
*owh god!I cant even stop my eyes from crying :''(
I just miss him so badly :')
cuba you sebut nama MUHAMMAD SAW dengan hati,
and you'll find the effect, seluruh jiwa bergetar!betapa nama itu teramat hebat :')