Monday 3 December 2012

not a good start actually

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum

alhamdullilah, I've started my first day of 4th semester today.
yes, basically first day my class starts
erk, sadly, our first class being cancel when we actually has come to that class!erkk~
nvm then :S it's our hobby to wake up early in the morning when even roosters didnt wake up!

erm erm, sbenanye kann,
I've come to my campus on saturday dengan semangatnya!
but, patheticly, entah macam mana, yesterday, my body feel a lil bit uneasy.
eh, this is not a ghost story tauu,
fever + diarrhoea + nausea + tonsil + headache + period pain!
owh well, this is not a good start of a new sem actually!hurmm~
dont know if I can really survive.
I didnt bring my sweater or even a sachet of cool fever!
and, there is no way others would bring a cool fever. semua jenis telan paracetamol je!
ehh, I'm not the kind of person who afraid of taking drugs. cuma, I takk na biasakan diri telan ubat. nanti, sakit sikit telan ubat. towards the end, your body will be immune to that drugs. you have to consume more so that it will give some efffect your body.
so, I rather use cool fever though~
tapi, semalam I have to take acti-fast so that the fever will not get worse. I took a tablet of acti-fst since atikah(my new roomate) didnt have the origial paracetamol.yes, only one tablet,sebab ubat tu besar sangat!takut tercekik~eheh..

owh, about dean's list,
erk, only 3 girls from class B got dean's
there are ty and I of the girls from class C who got dean's (as far as I know)
only one word that cross to my mind when I know the fact is,
tak kann la sikit tu je?
or is it my result is the fake one?erk~
to think about it, I feel like, uitm is playing a tough battle tough~
most of all the students in part 1 got dean's and, the number decline when it comes to part 2. people who able to maintain dean's would be very happy. however, uitm will not be very satisfied of the news. they put a harder subject and a high level lecturer who will never guide you in personal but a truly lecture. towards the end, only a few will be survive in dean's list :S
I cuak~
it's easy to work on getting the first place rather than trying to maintain the victory, kann?
I cuak sangat, like seriously!
hurmm, O Allah, please ease everything :')

till then :)