Sunday 22 April 2012

facebook-twitter-myspace.....*erk ada lagi ke?

okay, what am I gonna say is,
sometimes people forget what is the purpose of their creation
they aren't made for you to update any nonsense status to tell everyone what and where are you at current time. like seriously irritates me !
look, where is your privacy in life?
gonna tell everybody in this world bout your life?
tau tak bahaya?
dont you think people who have bad intention to you might kidnap you if you update status "alone at toilet mid aras 1 bla bla bla"
kadang2 ada jugak yang twt "tengah makan maggie" like what? eating maggi pown na tell the world huh??
tolong laa, please change your attitude, do post something beneficial to others
and lagi menyampah when there is a competition that needs many likes to win like, pertandingan shawl terbajetcomel ke, people who participate in the competition would send me "tolong like ehh" VIA CHATBOX PULAK TU!haihh, look, I only like something that I really like okay, kalau setakat muka bajet comel kau tu macam la aku suka sangat, haihh, muslimin and muslimat, every like you klik will contribute to sin and reward from Allah. dont simply like any picture, status or comment. and, ada jugak snap picture ala2 bajet cantik without covering the aurat pulak simpy publish them on thumbler, blog or facebook, then, lotsss of her friend like the picture, "owh cantiknyaa" "you're so hot babe" huh?
toksey lorh dek oii pi tayang hok asset mu tuh, liability je dimata Allah.
okey, I dont simply add or approve people which I dont really know on facebook. biarlah less friend but always connected to each other like evelator sekalian *okay, for the time being, I dont have twitter, I just cant find any purpose of joining twitter -.-"
then, I dont upload any picture except for my dp so that friend will easily recognize me. I just dont understand why people upload their picture on facebook. na jual muka2 dia kalau2 ada yang na carik jodoh?erkk~
and, I dont post any rubbish to my status. like, na makan maggi???
use the technology wisely peeps, you can change it when you want it to :)