Sunday 8 April 2012

working isnt easy

third post in a same day,
who cares :P you are pleased to leave my site if you dont want to read it :P
here, I would like to share my experiance of working,
it;s tiring!
and I'm dying out of it!
student always said, they are excited to finish studying and starts to work cause they will get their own money,
but, please juniors! you're too young, study till you be at the highest
working is tough!
demi sesuap nasi :') hahah, ber opera plak,,
but, seriously! career world isnt that sweet as you imagined,
so, to all youngster, blaja tinggi2, and add some interpersonal skil to value your resume ;)
bout the job, I'll quit, I'll send my resign letter tommorrow within 7 days,
dah takk sanggup lagi dah :'( the manager told us if we quit immediatelly from the crew, we'll not be paid,
so, it's not worth working these 4 days kan? baik bagi surat notis 7 hari ;)