Tuesday 17 April 2012


hari ini na tulis pasal macam2
huh, if you dont have any appetite to eat,,
eh eh, any interest to read,
nah,you're most welcome to leave :)
daa :)

okay, first mory is, yesterday I attended CIMA student's conference 2012 which was held at Taylor's lakeside campus,,
nothing much I gain there but it worth,
since it opened my eyes to which path should I take after completed my DIA cert
yeah, CIMA <3 I think it suits me.
Charterd Institute of Management Account <3
rather than,
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
yeah, because of the word bussines there, where? ahah! management actually :)
yada yada, I also got a pamplet there, pasal CIMA la of course,
based on my own judgment, my own understanding,
CIMA have 5 paper in basic which we have to take on the first stage
they are, management acc, financial acc, BIZ MATHS, BIZ ECO and ethics, corporate gov and BIZ law,
nahh!banyaknyaaaaa word BUSINESSSSSS :D excited noh :D
so, I think it can burst my energy to study towards the best !
so, that's it, CIMA, here I come :D
lagi mory, I met elevators! ain M's, villa, deanne and eiffa veace II!whoa, villa taking CIMA while the other 3 bakal and tengah ACCA, haihh, they are all great person and me? DIA, hurmm :/ btw, they are accountant to be, product dari mrsm langkawi :')
I'll upload some pictures later, sempat with ain je since the others are too busy, but, nvm, I enjoyed :D