Saturday 2 March 2013

I'm not

bismilahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum everyone :)

it's friday :) alhamdullilah,
every good doings count!so let's improve guys!hehe,
erm, erm, I only have 1 class today as the BEL's class had been cancelled :)
erm, ermI just wanna say that, I'm not the kind of person who can be labelled as friend for benefits.
but, I got few friends with this such pissed off attitude,
if you're looking for a friend that you can take advantage on, please, I'm not the one.
hurmm, the longer the friendship, the better you know that person's are kan?
it turn me down knowing that attitude :(
I tought we could be a best friend, dah banyak kali I cuba deny the tought,,hurmm..
I sedih tengok kawan melayu i mcm tu, like seriously :'(
hurmm,kalau kawan yang kaya banyak harta that you can get benefits from, i bukan lah orangnya.
wealth does seem to be the indicator for me to look onto that person, I value his/her knowledge more that anything else. if you wanna be noticed by me, add up your knowledge, not your wealth. I respect people with knowledge :)

I sedih tengok kwn2 i yang lupa tanggungjawab dia datang ke UiTM nie, it's like, you datang sini untuk grab all the opportunity to succeed, bukan to look for leisure, boyfriend, semua tu. remember, we're in UiTM, fully malay. so, use the advantage wisely to be well prepared in the real world~yes, I guess that's the reason why. the environment is not competative though :S
if you could read this, I just wanna say that, I miss the time when we study together like seriously :')
i wish i can say this right to your ear :(

I once had a roomate whose brought her car to hostel, tapi,I never take advantage on her, she always ask me if i na tumpang dia ke kelas, but,I never accept the offer. I rather walk to class with the classmates. kalau na pergi bandar pun, I rather bayar rm1, rather than ask her to send me.I tak suka hutang budi. susah na bayar balek nanti. that's is what my mum told me. she said, no matter how hard your situation is, never depend on others.

and, ada jugak kawan I yang i nampak semakin lalai dengan boyfriend dia. I'm not jelly okay, it's just that,I kesian tengok dia, mak ayah send her to uitm to study. tapi, lain pulak anak dia buat~ i'm not saying that i;m a good child, i ada jugak gedik2 sana gedik2 sini, tapi i know my limit. ada masa I have to study, ada masa i play like an insane. cuma kau, u dont able to control your nafsu. and, that's why im asking you to stop. it's because i love you, we're the selected people to be uitm student, malay, islam. jangan kau rosak kan peluang yang ada ni, there are alot others malay in pusat serenti sebagai, yang tinggal dalam perjalanan towards victory ini, tinggal kita je, kita sahaja harapan negara sayang!I love MALAYSIA okay, i wish we can succeed together, kau na bercinta bagai na rak pun i wont mind, cuma, make sure you dont neglect your obligation as a student..hurmm, hope you'll change soon :) insyaAllah~