Thursday 14 March 2013

tear drops

bismillahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

life's getting stress day by day
is it just me, or the surrounding who made it that way ?
hurmm, im kinda torturing myself. phyco.
i miss someone :'(
everything seems so easy for him
he get anything he wants.
well,kau ingat senang ke na galas nama mrsm langkawi on your shoulder ?
i envy abang so much~
he's now in UK~
while me?
in uitm jengka doing diploma,
yes,im from mrsm langkawi yet, im here, in malaysia, uitm jengka, taking diploma in accountancy.
and, abang, is from SDAR, have flawn to UK, under MARA scholar, future-chem-engineer :'(
everything comes so easy for him.
he's debater, top-scorer, superb!
while me?
im just nothing~
nothing as compare to him :(
and,now, I starts to question myself,
if only i realize how much mrsm valued, provides the platform for their students to fly,
i surely gonna utilize that chance :'(
im not gonna play or fooling around,
i stress~

yes, Im stuck in here,
dilemma, conflict, depress~
maybe it's just me who think too much,
yeah, well,
what will you feel if, you comes from the most well-known school who produce a verryy excellent student, but, you ended up, taking diploma when in university,,
while, all other friends, are taking preparatory course, going to fly to overseas,,
yet, you, living in malaysia, holding the name of ex-mrsm langkawi, doing diploma, which are rarely be heard, but, pathetically, you never got 4.00 !
aii, kata budak mrsm langkawi, tapi x dpt pulak 4.00? diploma je kowt ! laen la kalau kau amek IB! diploma pun kau x mampu na dpt 4.00?
faham takk ayat tu macam terngiang2 kat telinga??!
i stress !
i never cry without a reason, but, just now, the tear drops on its own.
too much pain that she bare through all this while
and, she cant hold it anymore.
I need a hug to reconcile the spirit back,
O Allah, I believe i can bare this pain. by refering to your words in surah al-baqarah 286 :')