Sunday 7 April 2013

religion: Rasullulah era or now is better?

bismilahirahmanirahim and assalamualaikum :)

I get tired
tired of arguing thing that are useless to debate on!
i dont usually give up when I have point okay,
but, if I did so, it means that, I cant bare to see you crying like a baby !
if you ever ask my friends,(friend who know me well)
I always have something to turn you down, especially in arguing things.
sebab, for me, it is easy. if you're right, then, we're not into a debate session, cause I simply will vote for you dear, tapi if you're wrong, and the worst is trying to standstil with your point, then, you're a dead meattt!
trust me.
I'm not the type of person who can easily give up okayy,,

what's your view if someone said,
"kan bagus kalau lahir zaman rasullulah"
yes, I have that kind of thought before,
it's gonna be fantastic right?
you have someone who really close to you who can guide you all the way,
have the person who have the answer of all your silly question,
have someone who can you always refer to.
have the role model who you can follow to.
are you sure you're gonna live in bless, be the one who is selected by Allah to get the hidayah.
look, if you're in that era, your religion is most probably, agama nenek moyang, christian, or jewish.
the religion that you've been followed since your nenek moyang. it's harder for you to simply change your religion when Rasullulah came and introduce you to islam right?
the point is, are you that sure that, you will be the selected person by Allah to join islam?
even now, you're born in Islam pun still not practising the way of life as Muslim,(reminder to myself as well) and, you're hoping that you wanna born in zaman Rasullulah SAW ?
dear, please be a greatful servant.
Allah knows what's the best for us though :)
*please correct me if I'm wrong :) well, that's just my opinion :)

hurmm, basically, that's what we're arguing with, she is still with her point to live in zaman Rasullulah. yes, who doesnt want to live with the most precious person ever right?but the point is will you be the chosen one to be in Islam? :|
then, I stop from arguing more. sebab I know, it's useless to debate with someone who always wanna win :) I've grown up though :P