Monday 22 October 2012

3rd sem-battles end !

assalamualaikum and bismillahirahmanirohim :)

I would like to recap the things that I've gone through this sem.

owh, yes, the battle ends. alhamdullilah :S

when I think back the past, I would rather conclude, 3rd semester, diploma in accountancy is the toughest sem I've gone through. many problems arise, and of course, nothing more complicated than the subject (owh see?academic stuff again) but, nothing scares me than studies does. thinking about the result, tough question, lower carry mark.died~ and of course, I do holds a big obligation on my shoulder, I dont want to disappoint them :S mak and abah has put a huge hope and trust on me. I just cant let them down. and, if that happens, I'll surely not gonna forgive myself! it happens so many times cik ct, when u disappoint them :(

okay, since the holiday is just for one and a half month,
I'm gonna make it this way lah kowt. plan for this semester break :)

1. I'm not going to work! gotto refreshen my mind and body. yes, makan tido makan tido is the plan ;D

2. it's about fast track - I'm not sure that I'm gonna proceed with the plan. let just give it to Allah.

3. I wanna spend the semester break to be pengurut kaki mak for fulltime~insyaAllah lah kann :D

4. clean up bedroom! it looks like a piggery dahh :O

5. want to sleep NOW!, mr tik tok showed 0215, and, we're gonna have our breakfast at a stall near by, talking about food, I gone crazy while on my way back to kl last night! I bought jacker, a bottle of vanilla coke, samurai burger. and, makan macam orang yang x pernah makan! just now, I ate 2 packets of curry maggie!dah tahan lamaa gila x makan fastfood or junkfood kowtt!hahah,,

till then~