Tuesday 13 March 2012

cause you're the diamond

assalamualaikum everyone :)
let us talk about love
what love we have to search the most?
obviously, Allah's love
cause, I found this fact on fb,
and, that makes me realize, I have to put everything in Allah, He'll find the mr. right for me :) all that matter is you have to change yourself to be a good servant to Him :)
erm erm, girls, is there anyone of you who had never couple or being in a relatoinship before?
ermm, seems like one....two....three....four...OK, it still can be calculate,,
dear you, you dont have to worry :) dont ever feel like a loser *like what I used to feel before ==" because, actually, there's no use of being in a relationship with our bukan muhrim
first- you're just wasting your time, like,hello, you can still focus on your studies, getting 4 flat,good job. why you must spending your precious teenager's era to someone you're not confirm to be your spouse?
second- dear girls, please save your purity to your only future husband, cause he deserve the most. there is so much drama TV's on arrange married lately, isnt it sweet? marrying the guy you had never knew before. and the love starts blossom after the marriage <3 the time where you discover his gentle and the time you start to learn him, knowing his likes and dislikes. you got so much time to keep the marriage long lasting cause there so much to discover :') *somehow, I prefer my parents to find me a husband, cause, I only believe in my mum's choice :D and, I hope to marry a guy I had never knew before.
last but not least- it's haram! how can you get bless from Allah if you're doing vices? plus,there's no such islamic couple in Islam's dictionary. please all mujahidah, take a good care of yourself, dont simply get lose by sweet talks from guys. cause you're the most precious diamond in the world.

I believe woman can stand on her own cause you're incredibly great :)
and, lagi satu, I'm not anti-lelaki, but, it really hurts me to see woman being supressed by guys. and, dear guys, I will never give up if I have to confront you. just bear in your mind, I have a firm stance that makes me brave enough to face you. dont simply look down on women..!

eh, actually, I want to write bout
one direction
they are just soooo hoooottttt!
espacially............guess who?
hahah :P

ehh, chop! his, eyes, lip, cheek, eyebrow for most, is more likely as him :') haihh, dear heart,
mafi qalbi khoirullah - hanya Allah dihatiku :')

p/s# I just dont know! why it is so hard to forget you! liam payne, it is me who miss him too much sampai tengok muka u pown nampak macam dye? =,=" I'm trying to forget you laa!but why is it so hard huh?!and, payne, why you must appear in my life? to make me notice your face is like him?hahah!