Saturday 3 March 2012

assalamualaikum semuaa :)
I watch a video just now,
bout ustaz Don giving his speach on syarat pakai tudung
what I would like to know is,
is it okay to wear alas meja (pashmina)and all that as tudung?
so the answer is yes :)
Muhammad SAW never limit the type of scarf to wear as long as it complete these 4.
tutup dada, x jarang or ketat, tutup bhgn depan till bahu.
somehow I think that rupanya there's alot thiggy to change :'(
where can I find those tudung labuh?
I cant remember when, but, waG did ask me,
"if some guy ask me to change like, pakai tudung labuh semua alah, would I mind?"
I answered it "no"cause I always been thinking to wear those muslimah pakaian.
but nobody encourage me to do so,
cause I dont want people to have sort of culture shock
as if they live in tanah arab ke kan?
so, if one day ask me "hey, ain, why you wear this kelambu"
I can simply answer, "cause he want it that way"
hence, they wouldnt judge me as alim2 kucing ke kan?
let they think as I want to change cause of him,
not by my willingness itself eventough it is..
arghh, I dont know, is it me who think too much bout what people would say?
haihh, actually, there's alot of mory to share,
but, my eye is too sleepy and, tommorrow,
I have to accompany my mum to send syada and sara to school
since she's too scared to drive alone.
and I have to have a proper attire to meet the teachers as well as to ask them if there is any needed for cikgu ganti sementara, because I'm looking for any vacant job as teacher for this upcoming semester break :)
tapiiii :'(  just now abah offered if I like to have driving class on this sem break.
alahai, rugi pulak kalau tolak :'(
but I already have my own plan laa abah :')
tp kaklong na jugak amek class tu :(
so howwww???hurmm..
bila kita berhenti berharap,
mende yg kita na tu akan sniri melutut depan kita kan?
tyme I was too eager to have driving license, abah takk bagi, bahaya la, kaki kaklong pendek takot x sampai padel la, takut bawak laju laa, accident la. but noww??haihh..

eh, one more thing, I found this fact on facebook,
jangan cabut uban dikepala sebab uban tu la yg akan menerangi alam akhirat kita nanti
and what I like to share here  is, dulu my mum always force me to cabut uban dye eventhough I resist! hahah..sampai this idea cross my mind, I would like to be a scientist cause I want to build a machine like comb that anti-uban, whenever the comb attracted to those uban, it will gugurkan sendiri uban2 tu. sebab, penat tau x na cabut uban kat kepala without using the caliper ?! but now, I have the concrete excuse utk mengelak cabut uban sesiapa sahaja :D hahah..